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05.04.2022, 23:08 Uhr
In the 1980s we were good friends with the family Strohm-Walter, Ursella, and daughters, Anke and Jutta. We very much are wishing to make contact with them again as we are coming soon to visit Germany and your beautiful village! Any help in locating them, we would be grateful.
Grady Ferguson
14.05.2016, 21:47 Uhr
What a beautiful village! My ancestors are originally from here. Thank you for sharing images and information. Their surname was Zahn.
1: Streffen Neef
14.06.2015, 09:45 Uhr
Guten Tag, wir freuen uns Sie auf der neuen Homepage begrüssen zu dürfen !!

Bearbeitet am 12.07.2015

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